Monday, September 29, 2008

Reading Journal #2

For this week i continued to read the same book which was "ransom"

In the part i just read was everything was going ok and each student was describing themselves on the bus. Knowing there was a substitue driver everyone of the kids was dropped off except the last 5 at the last drop off which was known as the rich area. They passed that dropp off and the driver continued to pick up some person he knew. After they picked him up those 5 students knew that they were KIDNAPPED.

This book so far seems pretty interesting and keeps me in the book everytime i open it. Just trying to figure out whats going to happen next

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Reading Journal #1

I am beginning to read this new book Called "ransom" by louis duncan. I began to read the first chapter and this book seems real interesting. What the students talk about in the book relates to what we would talk about as students also. This book also keeps me hooked on it like i cant let go of the book because I'm wondering of whats going to happen next, like I'm curious to go on and far im learning about each the characters in the book.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

reading journal #3

I just finished reading breaking through.
the ending part of the book was the most interesting part of the entire book.
Francisco finished high school and now to go to college.
It was pretty good to hear that so many people helped support Francisco to attend college.
This book has showed me the true understanding and experience of immigration and how hard it is just reading through Fancisco's persperctive and what he had to go through for his freedom.
He never gave up and never lost hope.
This book Breaking Through was good.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Journal #2

The latest reading on Breaking Through by Francisco Jimenez I found out that Francisco had to spend most of his summer working as hard as he could picking strawberries in the heat and providing labor in such hours of work. I thought this was sad because from all the effort he does in school, which is one of his main priorities, he has to work during the summer which is the opposite of what I normally do because I have fun and relax. Through knowing that I feel bad for him especially since I hate working but I still do it to help out.

It is also saddning that the father had problems providing for his family because of back pain. But, luckily both sons were willing to help out and provide for their family however much they can.

So in the end of this portion of the book i thought that these few chapters were sad and also very interesting to read.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Breaking Through

I thought the book breaking through by Francisco Jimenez was kind of interesting because of the true events in the book and how immigration can be at times. Especially how immigration happens all the time and how we all witness and see immigrating. It was interesting to see what immigrating families go through because we normally see immigrants coming and going but not all the hard obstacles they have to go through to be free and filled with opportunities, we just often hear about immigration.

It also made it interesting on how a kid had to deal living like an adult and how tough that could have been especially not living wit your family. From the family all being together at once to another moment being by yourself just your older brother and you. The book was also interesting because i would just keep imagining on how I would've been able to manage living on my own, it probably would have been hard. I would wonder if i would miss my mom and dad and my family and just all the privliages i have at home and a good food and being able to afford nice things once and a while.

It was also very good that the entire family does make it over and come together as one again. Especially on them being seperated for so long just missing one another and hoping to get together soon. You could also see all the love that the held for one another when they seen each other again and knew that they were one again.