Sunday, September 7, 2008

Journal #2

The latest reading on Breaking Through by Francisco Jimenez I found out that Francisco had to spend most of his summer working as hard as he could picking strawberries in the heat and providing labor in such hours of work. I thought this was sad because from all the effort he does in school, which is one of his main priorities, he has to work during the summer which is the opposite of what I normally do because I have fun and relax. Through knowing that I feel bad for him especially since I hate working but I still do it to help out.

It is also saddning that the father had problems providing for his family because of back pain. But, luckily both sons were willing to help out and provide for their family however much they can.

So in the end of this portion of the book i thought that these few chapters were sad and also very interesting to read.

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