Sunday, December 7, 2008


As i was reading ransom alot has happened so far from when we last left off. Almost all of the families have been notified of the ransom except from one family which hasnt even noticed his nephew has been kidnapped. But only two out of four families have came up with all the money and the kidnapper Buck wont settle until he is able to get all of the families ransoms which is 4 out of 4 familes with the ransom a total of 60 thousand dollars, 15 thousand each. they have also now found out that the original bus driver was killed in the beginning in order to make this whole kidnap going to make the substitute driver. This has gotten all of them thinking about the situation and what would happen to them expecially after what they did to the bus driver. Dexter one of the students that is kidnapped has now came up with a plan which he made aware of with all 5 of them students. They all are deciding to escape.

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